Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tommy's Preschool Adventures

Last Monday (9/15) Tommy had his first day of school! Parents were able to come on the first day, and he invited Mommy to accompany him. We had a great time! After Mrs. Murphy sang a few songs with the class we were able to play at the different centers in the classroom. Tommy's favorites were the green center (filled with cars and trains wouldn't you know!), the yellow center (snack center) and the orange center (class library). After school we went out for a bagel to celebrate.

After picking Tommy up from school on Thursday his teacher told me that he is such a joy to have in class. She related to me that while he and some other kids were playing with playdoh that morning another child joined them at the table and couldn't find any playdoh to play with. Tommy immediately divided his playdoh in half and shared with this child - without even being asked! His teacher went on to say that he sets a wonderful example for his classmates. Way to go Tommy - you're growing up to be such a thoughtful and kind young man!

1 comment:

Vicki Singleton said...

Oh my goodness he's a mini pfaff! I can't believe how much he looks like Matt! It sounds like he not only looks like him but is taking on his great charm as well! Way to go you two!